Saturday, November 14, 2009
A montage of reds, yellows and oranges
Swirling and cascading
Gently and furiously
Descending to the ground.
Sun and moon
Viciously repeating
No foreknowledge of ending
Numb feeling,
More moon than sun.
Earth is quivering,
Ground is quaking,
Saplings barren
Unrecognizable; void.
Chapters turning,
No hope of erasing
The past will flow
Impossible to touch.
A montage of elation and desperation
Swirling and cascading
Gently and furiously
Attacking the mind.
Happiness and regrets,
Viciously repeating,
No foreknowledge of ending
Numb feeling,
More regrets than happiness.
Strength is quivering
Courage is quaking
Hope’s barren
Unrecognizable; void.
Chapters turning,
No hope of erasing
The past will flow
Impossible to touch
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Altar and the Door

I'm a wrong way traveling
Slowly unraveling shell of a man
Burned out I'm so numb now
That the fire's just an ember
Way down in the corner
Of my cold, cold heart
Lord this time I'll make it right
Here at the altar I lay my life
Your kingdom comes
But my will was down
My heart is broken
As I cry like so many times before
But my eyes are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try
But this time Jesus
How can I be sure,
I will not lose my follow through
Between the altar and the door?
Here at the altar
See my world so black and white
How could I ever falter
From what You've shown me to be right?
Lord, this time I'll make it right
Here at the altar I'll lay my life
Your kingdom comes
But my will was done
My heart is broken
As I cry like so many times before
But my eyes are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try
But this time Jesus how can I be sure
I will not lose my follow through
Between the altar and the door?
I'm trying so hard
To stop trying so hard
Just let You be who You are
Who You are in me. "
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Remembrace by Emily Bronte
Now, when alone, do my thoughts no longer hover
Cold in the earth, and fifteen wild Decembers
Sweet Love of youth, forgive if I forget thee
No later light has lightened up my heaven,
But when the days of golden dreams had perished
Then did I check the tears of useless passion,
And even yet, I dare not let it languish
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Word is Alive!

Friday, October 23, 2009
My Beef with dudes and Skinny Jeans
Let me begin by saying the following. This is not the wild rantings of a homophobe, or an advocate for dudes wearing baggy jeans. I just feel a certain degree on passion on this topic. Men, please hear my heart on this issue. Let me start off by telling a short story. This is a true story.

Now that story aside, here's why you shouldn't wear skinnies, fellas. It looks gay! No diss to gay people, but if you're straight, just look the part! Be men, wear fitting jeans. Seriously, the effeminate metro sexual style that seems to plague this generation, just isn't cool. I'm not saying that I have a monopoly on what's "cool," I'm just saying that if you put a dollar in your front pocket, and four quarters pops out the back, then you have officially succeeded in making me uncomfortable.
OK, Im done with my venting. Truly sorry if this offends you!
- visit author's blog site here:
Saturday, October 17, 2009

More than I ever could.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So, perhaps this is a call for you to put down what has been getting in the way of living your life completely sold out for Christ. I'm not saying that it will be easy but dying on a cross so that we could be forgiven wasn't easy either. And that is just one of the many things that God has done for us, how can we withhold anything that we are capable of giving to Him?
Thursday, October 8, 2009

When you say
When you say you
When you say
Don't come around here no more
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Closer to Love

"She got the call today
One out of the gray
And when the smoke cleared
It took her breath away
She said she didn't believe
It could happen to me
I guess, we're all one phone call
From our knees
We're gonna get there soon
If every building falls
And all the stars fade
We'll still be singing this song
The one they can't take away
I'm gonna get there soon
She's gonna be there too
Crying in her room
Praying Lord come through
We're gonna get there soon
Oh it's your light
Oh, it's your way
Pull me out of the dark
Just to show me the way
Crying out now
From so far away
You pull me closer to love
Closer to love..."
Love for our brother and sisters in Christ. Being there when they are having a hard time and making them feel closer to love. It can be hard to bear one another's burdens but we are commanded to do so in the Bible. I pray that I will draw my friends closer to love and have friends that will pull me closer to love.
The video for this song couldn't be embedded or I would've posted that too. Youtube it sometime it's a cool concept!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Secret Ambition- Micheal W. Smith
"Young Man up on the hillside
Teaching new ways
Each word, winning them over
Each heart a kindled flame
Old men watch from the outside
Guarding their prey
Threatened by the voice of a paragon
Leading their lambs away
Leading them far away
But nobody knew His secret ambition
Nobody knew His claim to fame
He broke the old rules steeped in tradition
He tore the holy veil away
Questioning those in powerful positions
Running to those who called His name
But nobody knew His secret ambition
Was to give His life away
His rage shaking the temple
His word to the wise
His hands, healing on the seventh day
His love wearing no disguise
But some say death to the radical
He's way out of line
Some say praise be the miracle
God sends a blessed sign
A blessed sign for troubled times
But nobody knew His secret ambition
Nobody knew His claim to fame
He broke the old rules steeped in tradition
He tore the holy veil away
Questioning those in powerful positions
Running to those who called His name
But nobody knew His secret ambition
Was to give His life away
I tell you nobody knew
Until He gave His life away!"
-Micheal W. Smith
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I would like to be
I have half the zeal
Half the faith
Half the love
Half the patience
Most days I feel like I don't even have that much
Searching deep down for something to show
That reflects the Holy and Awesome God that I know
His love has been ever proven
I can feel His presence always
So why do I fail at trusting Him?
Why can't I instantly commit everything to Him?
But then I see that I am not half
I am completely nothing
Only by GOD am I half of anything
Only by His grace
His mercy
His salvation
Without Him I would not have life
There is nothing inside of me that is naturally good
He alone gives me the ability to please Him
He has made me the woman that I am
Even if I feel like a half
Jesus' sacrifice, death, resurrection
Has made me a whole
No broken pieces
No stained clothes
Perfect and complete in my Savior
Waiting for the Day
When I see Him face to face
And on that Day
I will be complete
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Quotes that made me think.

C. S. Lewis
more famous quotes
more famous quotes

R. C. Sproul
more famous quotes
Isaac Newton
more famous quotes
Saturday, August 29, 2009
And sometimes you don't want to admit that you have to do something hard because it's right. And even more times you do what is wrong because it is easy.
"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me even if it is also the hardest thing.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Recently while listening to the Prince of Egypt Soundtrack on a drive home with a friend I was struck by the relationship between Moses and Ramses, the Pharaoh. They grew up as members of the same family. They lived together and I would imagine had many good memories with one another. Moses' task was difficult but many overlook a major element that made it so difficult; his love not only for Ramses but also for the Egyptian people. He believed that they were his true family for the majority of his life and then all that he knew was turned upside down. I can't imagine how that must have felt. To become your family's complete enemy. Not only to have to leave them but to go completely against them and bring them pain and suffering.
The song above I think probably voices some of the feelings that both brothers were feeling.
Moses: And even now I wish that God had chose another, standing as your foe on his behave. This is the last thing that I wanted this was my home. All this pain and devestation how it tortures me inside. All the innocent who suffer from your stubbornness and pride. Why must you call down another blow? Let my people go!
Ramses: You who I call brother how have you come to hate me so, is this what you wanted?
Moses begging with Ramses to let his people go was not only to fill the order that he received from God but to stop the suffering that was brought upon the people from Ramses disobedience. He didn't want to see them suffer, that must of been so very difficult to watch.
I can't imagine that Ramses didn't feel betrayed by his brother, Moses. And frankly I can see why he wouldn't take his brother's request seriously. If my brother left home and was thought to be dead and then came back demanding that I release all of my livelihood because a god that I didn't believe in commanded it, I probably would have told him 'no' as well. Maybe some of his rebellion against Moses which in essence was against God was brought on by sibling rivalry. Maybe one day we will know for sure.
Moses is a key example of how God requires obedience from us. I am sure that Moses would have chosen any other way to have God free the Children of Israel. God chose the way that required faith and complete obedience from Moses no matter what he was feeling. I pray that I would be obedient like Moses. Listening to God's voice and doing what He commands me even when it is one of the last things that I want to do.

Have no fear for giving over