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Recently while listening to the Prince of Egypt Soundtrack on a drive home with a friend I was struck by the relationship between Moses and Ramses, the Pharaoh. They grew up as members of the same family. They lived together and I would imagine had many good memories with one another. Moses' task was difficult but many overlook a major element that made it so difficult; his love not only for Ramses but also for the Egyptian people. He believed that they were his true family for the majority of his life and then all that he knew was turned upside down. I can't imagine how that must have felt. To become your family's complete enemy. Not only to have to leave them but to go completely against them and bring them pain and suffering.
The song above I think probably voices some of the feelings that both brothers were feeling.
Moses: And even now I wish that God had chose another, standing as your foe on his behave. This is the last thing that I wanted this was my home. All this pain and devestation how it tortures me inside. All the innocent who suffer from your stubbornness and pride. Why must you call down another blow? Let my people go!
Ramses: You who I call brother how have you come to hate me so, is this what you wanted?
Moses begging with Ramses to let his people go was not only to fill the order that he received from God but to stop the suffering that was brought upon the people from Ramses disobedience. He didn't want to see them suffer, that must of been so very difficult to watch.
I can't imagine that Ramses didn't feel betrayed by his brother, Moses. And frankly I can see why he wouldn't take his brother's request seriously. If my brother left home and was thought to be dead and then came back demanding that I release all of my livelihood because a god that I didn't believe in commanded it, I probably would have told him 'no' as well. Maybe some of his rebellion against Moses which in essence was against God was brought on by sibling rivalry. Maybe one day we will know for sure.
Moses is a key example of how God requires obedience from us. I am sure that Moses would have chosen any other way to have God free the Children of Israel. God chose the way that required faith and complete obedience from Moses no matter what he was feeling. I pray that I would be obedient like Moses. Listening to God's voice and doing what He commands me even when it is one of the last things that I want to do.
My thoughts, poems, lyrics, and whatever else pops in my head that I'm willing to share.