"She got the call today
One out of the gray
And when the smoke cleared
It took her breath away
She said she didn't believe
It could happen to me
I guess, we're all one phone call
From our knees
We're gonna get there soon
If every building falls
And all the stars fade
We'll still be singing this song
The one they can't take away
I'm gonna get there soon
She's gonna be there too
Crying in her room
Praying Lord come through
We're gonna get there soon
Oh it's your light
Oh, it's your way
Pull me out of the dark
Just to show me the way
Crying out now
From so far away
You pull me closer to love
Closer to love..."
Love for our brother and sisters in Christ. Being there when they are having a hard time and making them feel closer to love. It can be hard to bear one another's burdens but we are commanded to do so in the Bible. I pray that I will draw my friends closer to love and have friends that will pull me closer to love.
The video for this song couldn't be embedded or I would've posted that too. Youtube it sometime it's a cool concept!