It's hard to watch someone self-destruct
Harder when you love them so much
I watch the chaos
Wishing I could remove some of their pain
Late nights
No sleep
Many endless, heart wrenching tears
Lies and deception drove them apart
Keeps them apart
My words aren't enough
Only Christ can fix something so rough
And when it all gets to be too much
When a choice must be made
She runs
No thought to consequence
Without a word
It's impossible to see when blinded by tears
Wishing, praying she's all right
Trusting God to perfectly orchestrate
And just when I think I will break
When I can't take anymore
He speaks to me
"My grace is enough for you.
My strength is made perfect in your weakness."
Then peace washes over me
Because I can do nothing
But God can do everything
He holds her
It's hard to watch someone self-destruct
Harder when you love them so much
But easier to trust Him how loves her
More than I ever could.
More than I ever could.
~Jessica Gray
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